
11th Comieco Report - Collection, recycling and recovery of paper and cardboard

With its 11th Report on Paper and Board Collection, Recycling, and Recovery, Comieco expands the scope of its analysis.

The report contains a comparison, albeit limited, of the Italian and European experience in
separate waste collection. The outcome for the reviewed Italian cities is a comforting, or even
surprising result of the efforts that many Italian Cities, collection service operators and, particularly, citizens and companies have made starting from the ambitious paper and board separation and recycling targets sets in 1997 by the legislators.

Separate paper and board collection at the end of 2005 is 7.5% up, totalling 2.26 million tons; while Comieco ensures the collection of 1,747,000 tons of waste packaging and recovered paper in the Cities throughout the national territory for recycling, the paper and board packaging recycling rate amounts to 66.6% of the total consumed quantity.
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