
Airone Servizi Srl

Tornacarta, Tornatoner, Tornaplastica e Tornapile, in cartone riciclato, resistenti e funzionali per gli uffici e l’ambiente domestico.
Airone Servizi srl è una società attiva dal 1993 nel settore ambientale. Airone servizi produce e commercializza una propria linea di contenitori per la raccolta differenziata di carta, plastica, toner e pile e  ha realizzato un gioco ecologico, il Memoriciclo,per imparare le regole della raccolta differenziata giocando.

Strong and functional, Tornacarta, Tonatoner e Tornapile made by recycled cardboard for offices and homes.
Since 1993 Airone Servizi srl is a company working in the environmental sector.. Airone Servizi srl among its various activities, produces and sells its own line of conteiners for the collection of paper, toner, plastic and batteries. It has created an enviromental friendly game, the Memoriciclo, to learn the rules of recycling wastes playing.

Since 1993 Airone Servizi srl is a company working in the environmental sector. It supplies public and private users with advice, services and products involved in domestic waste collection. Airone Servizi srl among its various activities, produces and sells its own line of conteiners for the collection of paper, toner and batteries.
Sito internet: www.aironeservizi.com
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