
Design for recycling guidelines for paper packaging

Design for recycling guidelines for paper packaging have been realized thanks to the collaboration between the research team from the Chemistry, Material and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta” of Politecnico di Milano, and the experts from COMIECO. Collaboration with the whole chain has been crucial, from the paper factories to the companies that contributed to the document with their specific know-how and witnesses.
The document describes the peculiarities of paper packaging, the different kinds of packaging material and their characteristics. Detailed analysis of the collection, selection and recycling processes sheds light on the points of attention for each stage, bringing out the design for recycling guidelines.

See the document Design for recycling guidelines for paper packaging.

Design for Recycling is part of the prevention activities pursued by CONAI with a view to the “cradle to cradle” strategy, which represents an essential instrument aimed at achieving the circular economy goals.

With the purpose of obtaining guidelines which are shared and participated by the whole chain, CONAI makes available the public consultation of these, through website www.progettarericiclo.com, in which users can comment on, after logging in.