
ExpoPack: whoul you attend a contest?

Designing a functional, useful and environmentally sustainable paper and board packaging, that could also act as a “mascot” container and working at the same time as an information medium and a container for food and/or beverages: this is the objective of "EXPOPACK", the award launched by Comieco, the National Consortium for Recovery and Recycling of Paper and Board Packaging, supported by Expo 2015, in partnership with Assocarta, Assografici, Amsa, Slow Food and Symbol and the magazine Interni.

The award establishes a prize for the design of a paper or cardboard pack that is 100% recyclable, referring to the theme “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life” and could be handed out to visitors, thus providing a medium/object that can be used during the visit and taken home as a souvenir.

The target of the Competition includes the students of University schools, graphic schools, designers, architects, and companies that can participate either individually or in teams.

Innovation, functionality, aesthetics, modularity for different uses, and above all capacity to generate possible environmental benefits: there are the criteria that the Judging Commission will use to examine projects. 

The prize shall amount to 10,000 EUR gross, divided as follows:
-   5,000 EUR for the 1st in ranking;
-   3,000 EUR for the 2nd in ranking;
-   2,000 EUR for the 3rd in ranking.

To enroll you must complete  the application form and send it no later than December 10, 2010.