
Roberto Mannino

Roberto Mannino è un artista e docente d’arte italo-americano che vive e lavora a Roma. Si laurea in Scultura presso la Rhode Island School of Design di Providence, RI, 1980 e in Scultura presso l’Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma. Attualmente insegna Carta a mano contemporanea e figura modellata presso la Temple University Rome, Disegno presso la Loyola JFRC University, Scultura del Legno, Scuola Arti e Mestieri, Roma. La sua ricerca si concentra su rilievi e composizioni in carta a mano. Ha recentemente offerto diversi laboratori sul riciclo della carta presso la Temple University Rome.

Roberto Mannino is an Italian/American Paper Artist and Art Educator living and working in Rome, BFA in Sculpture, Rhode Island School of Design (1980) and Italian Fine Art Degree in Sculpture (1990). Currently teaches Contemporary Papermaking and Figure Modeling at Temple University Rome, Drawing at Loyola University and Wood Carving at Arti e Mestieri Rome. His artistic research focuses on hand-made paper relief and compositions. His work is process-oriented, focusing on the interaction between the paper-maker and the interrelation with its intrinsic phenomena. Has recently offered several recycling paper workshops for High school students at Temple University.

Waterdrops – carta di cotone. 2007
